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Reiki is an ancient, gentle, hands on (or off!) energy healing energy.  Reiki (Ray-Kee) describes a system for tapping into universal life force energy that creates and sustains all life.  When life force energy is in balance, we experience physiological orderliness, pyschological equilibrium, emotional stability and spiritual connection.  Reiki infuses the body with a concentrated amount of vital life energy, restoring balance on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels


Individual Reiki Session

An individual Reiki sessions lasts 30 minutes, during which time the Reiki Healer will infuse the body with Reiki, helping to align energy centers and bring the body back into balance and harmony.  Sessions can be hands on or hands off, and can be designed by the participant to work on specific areas of the body/mind/spirit if desired.


Reiki Level I Certification

A Reiki I Certification class will lead you through a Level I Attunement to raise your vibrational level and enable you to access Universal Life Force easily and consistently.  This training will also teach the history of Reiki, how to conduct a Reiki session on yourself, others, animals and the environment.  You will leave with all of the tools necessary to practice Reiki. 


NEXT REIKI I TRAINING SCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY DECEMBER 9TH FROM 1:00 TO 5:00.  Go to the Schedule Page and hit the Button to book!


Reiki Level II Certification

A Level II Certification and Attunement amplifies your ability to activiate Universal Life Force and allows you to perform Reiki in different ways, including from a distance. This is a continuation of the Level I Training, which is a prerequisite.

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